Testing is a necessary activity but not usually an enjoyable one, especially when you need to use unfriendly tools. The aim of Accept is manage requirements and testing for small projects, while being simple and enjoyable to use.
Accept can help you manage Manual End-to-End testing. Test procedures can be written within the application using a spreadsheet-like interface or easily imported from an external source. The test procedures can then be linked to system requirements. Once the tests have been linked to the requirements, it is possible to view the overall requirements coverage and generate a Test Plan that can be shared with the end customer.
Accept can now help you run your manual end-to-end tests. You can define your software releases and deployment instances. You can now create test runs linked to a particular software release and deployment instance and run the tests in the browser. You can indicate the success or failure of each test step and separately the acceptance status of each linked requirement. Finally, you can create tickets linked to the test and indicate whether the tickets seen in previous test runs are still present or fixed.
Once you have run through all your tests, Accept can write the Test Report for you. Create a test report and select the test runs that you want to include in the report. The report is then be generated for you, showing all test run results, requirement acceptance statuses and test ticket observations.
Last, but not least, Accept can output an overall Requirement Compliance Matrix. This shows for any software release, the compliance status of all the requirements. Requirements that have not yet met acceptance criteria can be easily identified.
We use Accept in-house to manage acceptance testing of all our products and bespoke software developments.